Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Pink Straw

For those of you who do not already know me......I love the color pink. I love pink so much that I collect pretty much any and every pink kitchen appliance and accessory. I can't help but smile if I see something pink. My bridesmaids dresses were what color?? oh yeah pink. So I must tell you about what my most wonderful husband did for me yesterday that put a smile on my face pretty much all day long. Now that his office has moved to Highland Colony Pkwy, we have been enjoying a lot of lunches together. One of our favorite new lunch spots is Lenny's subs. Yummy! I get the chicken salad sub, and Shaun gets the club. Seating is limited in this oh-so-popular sub place (and by the way you don't smell when you leave like you do with Subway) so Shaun always orders while I sit in a booth to hold our spot. I love to watch people so this is my time to get it out of my system. People are so deaf! I watch the Lenny's hardworking employees walk around and around the restaurant yelling a number and no one responds. Then they have to go up to the tables and ask people individually for their number. And when the people finally get their sandwiches, they don't even have a clue that the entire restaurant is staring at them for being a complete idiot. For the employees sanity, they need to adopt a similar number system on the table like Newks or McAlister's. It was after one of these especially entertaining number episodes that Shaun came to the table and told me to close my eyes. Now that is just too tempting so I peeked, and I saw the cutest pink straw going into my sweet tea. Of course I made a huge fuss, and I asked him where he got this most wonderful straw (it also had a bend function) because I know that Lenny's normally has the plain regular straws. He said that he saw some in a cup next to the cash register, and he asked the lady if he could have a pink straw. Well that just blew me away. Most guys would never be man enough to ask the cash register lady for a pink straw but not my man. He did it for me because he knew how much it would mean to me and how much I would love it. That is romance. A pink straw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Only real men will unashamedly ask for something pink. Shaun is your hero! (Sorry, but Nate is still mine)
PS- I linked to your blog today so let me know if you have a few new visitors!